Monday, December 14, 2009

Gingivitis More Condition_symptoms Dentist Said I Have A Gum Infection And Close To Gingivitis-told Me To Floss More.Help?

Dentist said I have a gum infection and close to gingivitis-told me to floss more.Help? - gingivitis more condition_symptoms

Dentists do not give suggestions on what I can do about the infection of the gums, etc. Is there a counter on which I was a mouthwash or any other treatment option that I order brushing and flossing?


tigs hugs said...

The gums around the tooth is the gum. Gingivitis refers to an inflammatory disease of the gums characterized by tender, swollen and bleeding gums. This condition occrrs in 85% of the population.

Gingivitis may be caused by regular oral hygiene that includes daily brushing and flossing to be prevented. Programs, strict control of the plate, with enlargement and periodontal curettage also proven useful.

A dentist or dental hygienist is a thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums after this behavior, persistent oral hygiene is necessary. The removal of plaque is usually no pain and inflammation of the gums should be gone between one and two weeks. Gargle with salt water helps. Oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing is necessary to prevent the recurrence of gingivitis. The bacterial mouth rinse or mouthwash, especially chlorhexidine gluconate solution 0.2% can be swelling and local mouth gels which are usually antiseptic and anesthetic may also help.

Shannon said...

My dentist told me to buy an electric toothbrush that has a rounded end, it is too. (Hygienist recommended Vitality Oral-B.) Angle your toothbrush where the teeth and gums. Do not be aggressive in their antics will not help. Be sure to brush your teeth at the back, the sides of the cheeks and tongue. Recommended time for all this is about 2 minutes time. First, you should brush your teeth after every meal. Said floss at least once a day (but my hygienist, I floss at least twice until things are under control and should).

I bought the silk with handles and it has helped me a lot. But if you do not do this: Take the wire and a C-shape around the teeth and are on their way between each tooth. While it is the form of C, no additional cover plate, which can not go through the bushes, so be sure to touch to the teeth with dental floss, not just in the middle. If you clench your teeth and flossing are fighting because of this, try using dental floss Placke brand. My hygienist recommended that my teeth and I having problems. His teeth bleed for about two weeks, but better dental health is better for you the entire body.

Dr. Albert, DDS, (USA) said...

The dentist is correct. If the gums are inflamed, causing floss daily after brushing removes plaque bacteria, the gum inflammation. If that everything you do it, you fortnate. Your dental future is in your hands. Good luck.

Ginny said...

Purchase one of these spiders toothbrushes, mouthwash Listerine is correct, how, and floss.

wditt2 said...

I chew tobacco and snuff not the problem here is the key to the brush and rinsing with Listerine such things do not need to floss I can not bcause my teeth are crowded, and line breaks when you try to get their share.

RmW said...

I find that Colgate "Total" - is every version - very useful for me. It contains sp (triclosan?) And helps reduce the bacteria that cause gingivitis. You should floss at least once a day! I fill the evening after brushing your teeth, while the toothpaste in your mouth. This helps to keep the stick between your teeth and gums.

Believe it or not, is gum disease with heart disease. Keep your teeth healthy!

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