Sunday, December 13, 2009

Index Jpg Gals Is This Fish Sick?

Is this fish sick? - index jpg gals

Watch the red dot on it! It seems to act differently. Who knows what is and what treatment should I do? ... ... ...

Fish Tank & Info:
Tank -10 Gal
All fish from the family-tetra
I change the water last week, I have (every month)
-I product of this type of course and management of waste per week.
"I had these fish for about 6 months and this is the first time that I realized something.
"Last week, one of my fish are dead, but had different symtom relate to this question: ...


Melba said...

Yes, it seems we farmed fish have a bacterial infection. If nothing keeping an eye in one group to another, only if a disease because they have definitely earned to swim in groups. Your best option is to change the water every week and stop the use of chemicals to bind water. The use of chemicals May, she makes you sick. You need to decide whether it is worth fixing fish, may be easier to kill the fish away, sterilize the tank and start over. Hope this helps. Good luck

t_prince... said...

Yes, it is

tikitiki said...

First, I would reject product cycle control and waste. Cycle is to accelerate the circulation of the tank. But death is not refrigerated, the bacteria reach the bloodstream, and similar products. They are useless. With regard to the waste, never used, never do. Just do water changes, and subject to (the quantity of fish in the tank) every 2 weeks at least. If you're tank is full, in the week. Only small amounts, about 15%. This is the best thing you can do to your fish healthy. And to save money on products that do not help us. Take a bottle of the Prime Minister, on the condition or treat the water before using it again. It's a bit expensive but one bottle will last a long, pretty long time.
Sly has a good connection for the control of diseases or symptoms.

sly2kusa said...

This could be neon tetra disease (there is no cure disadvantages). Either that, or some type of ammonia poisoning as sepsis.

Here is a reference book for you illness.

The stress of aquarium fish and the identification and treatment of diseases ...

sly2kusa said...

This could be neon tetra disease (there is no cure disadvantages). Either that, or some type of ammonia poisoning as sepsis.

Here is a reference book for you illness.

The stress of aquarium fish and the identification and treatment of diseases ...

megan m said...

trying to think with the treatment or antibactireal Beta fungial much died a month ago, around the armature: (i drop, but a new one:)

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